BCNA Meetings
The BCNA welcomes all area residents to attend our meetings. Meetings are open to all neighbors, members and non-members.
Meetings are held quarterly, usually the third Sunday of the first month of the quarter, at the home of a neighbor. Meeting notices are posted on the bulletin board, on this website, and sent to subscribers of our email lists.
Typical meetings consist of discussing mutual neighborhood concerns, planning events, and getting to know fellow neighbors. Meeting notes and minutes are posted on the website (password-protected).
BCNA Membership
Membership in the BCNA is voluntary, but the more members and funds we have, the better we can serve our community!
Membership fees are $30 per year per household and go towards funding BCNA activities and events.
If you wish to pay via cash or check, please bring payment to the next BCNA meeting or event or contact the treasurer directly to arrange payment.
The BCNA also accepts donations via PayPal for convenience. (Contributions over $30 membership fee are always gratefully accepted.)