Big Country Neighborhood Association
The Big Country Neighborhood Association (BCNA) is a neighborhood association, as opposed to a homeowner (or landowner) association; the difference is more than just semantics. Home/landowner associations are usually established by or in conjunction with the developer. Membership is tied to ownership of the land and is not voluntary; it usually is a part of the deed restrictions (covenants). Since membership is mandated, the association has specific legal powers and authority to assess dues and fees, and to create and enforce policies. In return, the owner association has specific responsibilities, which inevitably include the maintenenance of common areas. Because owner associations can be quite powerful, it is almost impossible to establish one “after the fact;” virtually 100% of the landowners would have to agree to alter their deed restrictions to put themselves under the association. Given the very independent nature of the good folks in Big Country, we don’t ever foresee (and do not desire) an owner association for this area.
Instead, we have created a neighborhood association. It is 100% voluntary; it has no authority, no power, and no means of note; as a result, it can not have set responsibilities. We are mostly “good talk.” But it doesn’t end there. Our discussions are a forum for neighbors to make each other more aware of mutual concerns and to coordinate action if appropriate. Note that the association itself does not and cannot take action; but individual neighbors, alerted to need, may join together to address that need should they desire.
What We Do
The BCNA holds quarterly meetings, usually the third Sunday of the first month of the quarter, at the home of a neighbor. Meeting notices are posted on the bulletin board, on this website, and sent to subscribers of our email lists.
Discussion topics include but are not limited to development, incorporation, ETJ (extra-territorial jurisdiction), road and sign maintenance, taxes, security, emergency services, and more.
Events & Activities
BCNA-hosted activities have included neighborhood beautification projects, social gatherings, holiday celebrations, and more. See the Contribute to BCNA page for a detailed listing.